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15 02, 2019

Special Advisory: Proven Investments Limited (PROVEN)


Proven Investments Limited (PROVEN) has advised that the Company’s total equity holdings in Dream Entertainment Limited, now stands at 2,500 units which represents 20% of the participating voting shares in Dream Entertainment Limited. PROVEN has also advised that the purpose of the acquisition is to generate dividend income. Dream Entertainment Limited will now be characterized

15 02, 2019

Daily Market Summary – February 15, 2019


Daily Market Summary 15.02.19 Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about those issuer (s) or securities as at the date of this report. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of their compensation was, is, or will be, directly

15 02, 2019

GWEST reports $112.25 million net loss for the nine months ended December 2018


Date: February 15, 2018 GWEST Corporation Limited (GWEST), for the nine months ended December 31, 2018 booked Total revenue  amounting to $90.08 million, an increase of 46% when compared with the $61.58 million booked last year. Revenue rose by 49% or $10.72 million for the third quarter, amounting to $32.38 million (2017:$21.66 million). Cost of sales

15 02, 2019

138SL reports net loss of $43.83 million for the three months ended December 2018


Date: February 15, 2019 138SL’s Revenue increased by 13% to $216.79 million relative to the $191.63 million recorded for the corresponding period last year.  Other operating income declined for the period under review, decreasing by 13% to $6.30 million compared to $7.27 million a year earlier. 138 SL noted that, “the uncertainties as regards matters

15 02, 2019

CPJ reports 92% decline in six months Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders


Date: February 15, 2019  In United States dollars (except where it is indicated otherwise): Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited (CPJ) for the six months ended December 31, 2018,Revenues declined marginally by 0.3% from $53.91 million, to close the period at $53.73 million compared to the prior year. For the second quarter, the company also posted a

15 02, 2019

Overseas Headlines- February 15, 2019


United States: Xi Hails Important Progress, Says Trade Talks to Resume in U.S. President Xi Jinping said U.S.-China trade talks would continue next week in Washington, as the two sides race to reach a deal that would avert a tariff increase on Chinese goods after March 1. “Negotiations between both sides have achieved important progress

15 02, 2019

PBS reports year end profit of US$122,000


Date: February 14, 2018 Productive Business Solutions Limited (PBS), for the year ending December 30, 2018 reported an increase in revenues from US$171.99 million in 2017 to US$185.50 million in 2018, an 8% increase. For the quarter, revenues increased 25% to total US$57.79 million relative to US$46.36 million the prior quarter. Direct expenses increased 12% to

15 02, 2019

GENAC reports 33% increase in year end net profits


Date: February 14, 2018 General Accident Insurance Company Limited (GENAC), for the year ended December 31, 2018 reported Gross premium written of $8.74 billion, 23% higher than the $7.11 billion reported for 2017. According to GENAC, “The development of our premium volume was driven by strong growth in the motor product.” Reinsurance ceded rose 21% to

15 02, 2019

PBS reports year end profit of US$122,000


Date: February 14, 2019  Productive Business Solutions Limited (PBS) for the year ending December 30, 2018, reported an increase in revenues from US$171.99 million in 2017 to US$185.50 million in 2018, an 8% increase. For the quarter, revenues increased 25% to total US$57.79 million relative to US$46.36 million the prior quarter. Direct expenses increased 12%

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