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News Archives | Page 198 of 526 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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14 02, 2019

ELITE reports 43% decline in six months net profit


Date: February 14, 2019 Elite Diagnostic Limited booked a 29% increase in revenue to total $182.24 million compared to $141.67 million for the same period in 2017. Revenue for the 2nd quarter rose by 35% to $96.76 million (2017: 71.85 million). Management noted, “The increase in revenue for the 2nd quarter is due to MRI scans and increase

14 02, 2019

MDS reports a 14% decline in nine months net profit


Date: February 14, 2019 Revenue amounted to $1.58 billion, an increase of 6%, relative to $1.49 billion booked the previous year. For the third quarter, revenues totalled $538.67 million up 3% year over year (2017: $521.09 million). MDS indicated that, “the revenue reflects a positive change in the sales mix with the introduction of additional

14 02, 2019

Special Advisory: NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG)


Date: February 14, 2019 NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG) has advised that, in respect of the Offer and Take-Over Bid Circular issued by NCB Global Holdings Limited (the Offeror) dated the 31st  day of December, 2018 (as amended by the Notice of Correction dated the 31st  day of December, 2018, the Notice of Extension dated

14 02, 2019

Special Advisory: Kingston Properties Limited (KPREIT)


Date: February 14, 2019 Kingston Properties Limited (KPREIT) has advised that the Company has completed the sale of a condo unit at the Midblock Condominium complex in Midtown, Miami, Florida. In addition, a unit at the Loft II Condominium complex has gone into contract and the sale is expected to close in March 2019. The

14 02, 2019

Dividend Declaration: Eppley Limited (EPLY)


Date: February 14, 2019 Eppley Limited (EPLY) has declared a dividend of $0.36 per share payable on March 13, 2019 to ordinary shareholders on record as at February 26, 2019. The ex-dividend date is February 25, 2019.

14 02, 2019

LASF reports 21% increase in nine months net profits


Date: February 14, 2018 Lasco Financial Services Limited (LASF), for the nine months ended December 31, 2018 recorded trading income of $1.63 billion; this represented a growth of 50% when compared to $1.09 billion posted in 2017 while trading income for the quarter amounted to $545.20 million (2017: $407.48 million. Other income surged to $109.15 million

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