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14 01, 2019

PTL reports 40% decline in six months net profit


Date: January 14, 2019 Paramount Trading (Jamaica) Limited for the six months ended November 30, 2018 recorded a slight 1% increase in total revenues to $697.28 million from $687.18 million reported in 2017. For the quarter, revenues declined 9% to close at $325.10 million (2017: $356.29 million). PTL mentioned that, “since the beginning of this

14 01, 2019

AMG reports a 69% increase in the first three months net profits


Date: January 14, 2018 AMG Packaging Paper Company Limited (AMG), for the three months ended November 30, 2018,  recorded Turnover in the amount of $213.92 million, a growth of 11% when compared to $192.88 million the previous year. Cost of Inventories totaled $130.20 million, an increase of 13% relative to the corresponding period in the

14 01, 2019

Board Appointment: GWest Corporation Limited (GWEST)


Date: January 14, 2018 GWest Corporation Limited (GWEST) has advised that Mrs. Joy Clark resigned from the position of General Manager effective November 23, 2018 to pursue personal interests external to the Company. Disclaimer: Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about

14 01, 2019

Special Advisory: Sterling Investments Limited (SIL)


Date: January 14, 2019 Sterling Investments Limited (SIL) has advised that the final renunciation date for existing shareholders has been extended from January 11, 2019 to January 18, 2019. Disclaimer: Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about those issuer (s) or

14 01, 2019

KREMI reports 35% increase in nine months net profits


Date: January 14, 2018 Caribbean Cream Limited (KREMI) for nine months ended November 30, 2018 reported a 16% increase in revenue during the period totalling $1.15 billion compared to $992.24 million in the corresponding period last year. Revenue for the third quarter rose 9% to close at $348.24 million compared to $318.98 million for the

14 01, 2019

Featured Stock: LASD


Date: January 14, 2019 Please click below to view today’s featured stock. Weekly Picks 14.01.19 LASD The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on the contents

14 01, 2019

Overseas Headlines- January 14, 2019


Date: January 14, 2019 United States: Stocks Fall, Bonds Climb as China Data Disappoints: Markets Wrap U.S. equity futures followed stocks in Europe and Asia lower on Monday as China trade data showed a worse-than-expected slump, reigniting concerns about global growth. Treasury yields fell and the dollar held steady. Futures on the Dow, Nasdaq and

11 01, 2019

Special Advisory: Indies Pharma Jamaica Limited (INDIES)


January 11, 2019 Indies Pharma Jamaica Limited (INDIES) has advised that at a Board of Directors’ meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on January 18, 2019, consideration will be given to the payment of a dividend. INDIES has also advised that Mr. Douglas Robinson has resigned as Non-Executive Director effective January 4, 2019.

11 01, 2019

Special Advisory: Fontana Limited (FTNA)


January 11, 2019 Fontana Limited (FTNA) stated that with regards to the Initial Public Offer of FTNA, Scotia Investments Limited (SIJL) previously advised that where multiple share applications from a single applicant were submitted a single application from that applicant was retained and the others rejected. SIJL has provided the following clarification as to the

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