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News Archives | Page 220 of 526 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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27 12, 2018

    Special Advisory: Kingston Properties Limited (KPREIT)


    December 27, 2018 Kingston Properties Limited (KPREIT) has advised that that pursuant to Article 105 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, Mr. Gladstone “Tony” Lewars has been appointed as a director of the Company. Mr. Lewars’ appointment takes effect from January 2, 2019 and he will serve until the next annual general meeting, when he

    27 12, 2018

      Special Advisory: Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCC)


      December 27, 2018 Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCC) has disclosed that on Friday December 21, 2018, the Company took the decision to partially redeem preference shares held by Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) which were issued in 2010 by CCC. In particular, CCC redeemed 3,928,603 preference shares out of the 15,000,000 total preference shares CCC had

      27 12, 2018

        Overseas Headlines- December 27, 2018


        Date: December 27, 2018: United States: U.S. Futures Slump Back, Denting Epic Stock Rally: Markets Wrap The biggest one-day rally in American equities since 2009 faded into memory as U.S. stock-index futures tumbled alongside European shares on Thursday. Treasuries climbed, as oil and the dollar gave up some of the previous session’s advances. Contracts on

        27 12, 2018

          Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCC) Disclosure


          December 27, 2018 Caribbean Cement Company Limited (CCC)  has disclosed that on Friday December 21, 2018, CCC took the decision to partially redeem preference shares held by Trinidad Cement Limited (TCL) which were issued in 2010 by CCC. In particular, CCC redeemed 3,928,603 preference shares out of the 15,000,000 total preference shares CCC had issued to

          27 12, 2018

            Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) – Guyana Operations Update


            December 27, 2018 Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has advised that Supreme Ventures Guyana Holdings/Supreme Ventures Enterprise successfully launched its operations with the opening of its Super Store on Croal Street, Georgetown, Guyana. SVL also advised that the operations include horse-racing and simulcast promotion, as well as pari-mutuel pool operations. Patrons were able to successfully see

            24 12, 2018

              Trade in Shares: Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (SJ)


              December 24, 2018 Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (SJ) has advised that a Senior Officer purchased 324,625 SJ shares and that a connected party and two Senior Officers sold a total 367,503 SJ shares. These transactions were conducted during the period December 14 to 17, 2018.

              24 12, 2018

                Trade in Shares: Kingston Wharves Limited (KW)


                December 24, 2018 Kingston Wharves Limited (KW) has advised that a Director and three Senior Officers purchased a total of 127,211 KW shares and that a connected party sold 127,211 KW shares. These transactions were conducted on December 21, 2018.

                24 12, 2018

                  Special Advisory: Barita Investments Limited (BIL)


                  December 24, 2018 Barita Investments Limited (BIL) has advised that the Board of Directors’ has taken the decision to withdraw its Notice of a Rights Issue to Barita Shareholders, dated December 14, 2018. BIL further advised that an Extraordinary General Meeting of its Ordinary Shareholders will be convened on Thursday, January 17, 2019, at the

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