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News Archives | Page 223 of 526 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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19 12, 2018

    Overseas Headlines- December 19, 2018


    Date: December 19, 2018 United States: Fed Seen Making Dovish Hike With 2019 Pause: Decision Day Guide U.S. central bankers meeting in Washington are expected to raise interest rates a fourth time this year, brushing aside pressure from President Donald Trump, while signaling a slower approach to their gradual rate hike campaign in 2019. The

    18 12, 2018

      Access Financial Services Limited (AFS) Announces Acquisition of Embassy Loans Inc.


      December 18, 2018 Access Financial Services Limited (AFS) Announces Acquisition of Embassy Loans Inc. Access Financial Services Limited (AFS) has announced that it has completed the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding shares of Embassy Loans Inc., a Florida based finance company, at a cost of US$6.4M. The transaction which was completed on December 14, 2018

      18 12, 2018

        Board Appointment: Pulse Investments Limited (PULS)


        December 18, 2018 Pulse Investments Limited (PULS) has advised that the following appointments were made at a Board of Directors’ meeting held on December 17, 2018: Safia Cooper, the company’s CEO, was appointed a Director of PULS Romae Gordon, a Director, was appointed Co-Managing Director of PULS Safia Cooper was also appointed Co-Managing Director of

        18 12, 2018

          Consumer Price Index- November 2018


          Date: December 18, 2018  Consumer Price Index – November 2018 The consumer price index for the month of November 2018 was 0.0%, following the 0.7% increase in October 2018, according to The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN). The Consumer Price Index for the month of November remained at 257.4, relative to the 257.4 reported for

          18 12, 2018

            Overseas Headlines- December 18, 2018


            Date: December 18, 2018  United States: Trump Warns Fed Not to Make ‘Mistake’ Ahead of Likely Rate Hike President Donald Trump issued a fresh appeal to the Federal Reserve to avoid making “yet another mistake” just hours before the U.S. central bank starts a two-day meeting at which it’s widely expected to raise interest rates.

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