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News Archives | Page 237 of 526 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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19 11, 2018

Board Appointment: Scotia Group Jamaica Limited (SGJ)


November 19, 2018 Scotia Group Jamaica Limited (SGJ) has advised of the following appointments which took effect on November 5, 2018: Perrin Gayle Director & Group Lead, Corporate & Commercial Banking Jamaica H. Craig Mair Director, Credit Risk Management, Caribbean North & Central

19 11, 2018

Special Advisory: Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (BRG)


November 19, 2018 Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (BRG) has advised that ANSA Coatings International Ltd. (“ACIL”) hereby wishes to announce that Lewis Berger (Overseas Holdings) Limited (LBOH), a 100% subsidiary of ACIL, intends to transfer all of its 51% shareholding in BRG to ACIL. The transfer of shares will take place on the Jamaica Stock

19 11, 2018

Dividend Consideration: Sagicor Bank Jamaica Limited (SBJ)


November 19, 2018 Sagicor Bank Jamaica Limited (SBJ) has advised that at a meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for Monday, November 26, 2018, the Directors will consider the payment of an interim dividend for the financial year 2018, to its sole ordinary shareholder.

19 11, 2018

Dividend Declaration: 1834 Investments Limited (1834)


November 19, 2018 1834 Investments Limited (1834) has declared an interim capital distribution of 10 cents per stock unit, payable on December 19, 2018 to stockholders on record at the close of business on December 3, 2018. The ex-dividend date is November 30, 2018.

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