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16 11, 2018

Overseas Headlines – November 16, 2018


Date: November 16, 2018 United States: World's Biggest Dollar Bull Doubles Down on Euro Pain for 2019 The world’s biggest dollar bull is sticking to his guns as the U.S. economy powers ahead and dangles some of the highest interest rates versus Europe in history. Wall Street’s “America First” playbook in 2019 will pack more

15 11, 2018

SRA reports $11.48 million net loss for the six months ended September 2018


Date: November 15, 2018  Sweet River Abattoir & Supplies Company Limited (SRA), For the six months ended September 30, 2018 recorded a 19% decline in revenue to $134.58 million relative to $165.45 million in the same period in 2017. Revenue for the quarter went down 22% to close at $57.52 million relative to $73.70 million. SRA indicated,

15 11, 2018

GENAC reports 88% increase in nine months net profit


Date: November 15, 2018 General Accident Insurance Company Limited (GENAC), for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 reported Gross premium written of $7.40 billion, 20% higher than the $6.18 billion reported for 2017. As a result, net premium written increased by 26% from $1.04 billion last year to $1.32 billion. Excess of loss reinsurance remained at

15 11, 2018

1834 posts profit of $25.68 million for the six months period


Date: November 15, 2018 1834 Investments Limited (1834) posted revenue of $15.15 million, a 33% decline when compared to $22.45 million reported for the comparable period in 2017. For the quarter, revenue fell by 39% to $6.91 million (2017: $11.30 million). Other operating income decreased by 52% to $35.79 million (2017: $74.54 million). Other operating

15 11, 2018

DTL posts 37% increase in nine months net profit


Date: November 15, 2018 Derrimon Trading Limited (DTL), for the nine months ended September 30, 2018, reported consolidated trading income of $6.34 billion, increasing by 29% when compared to the $4.92 billion for the prior period. For the quarter, the Company reported a 23% increase in trading income totalling $2.18 billion relative to $1.77 billion

15 11, 2018

XFUND Investor Briefing- November 15, 2018


Date: November 15, 2018 Sagicor Real Estate XFUND Limited (XFUND) held its investor briefing today at The Auditorium, Sagicor Life Head Office which was hosted by Richard Byles, Chairman of Sagicor Real Estate X Fund. The meeting began with the usual welcoming and introductions which was subsequently followed by an overview of the Company. Ms.

15 11, 2018

CAR reports 4% increase in six months net profit


Date: November 15, 2018 Carreras Limited (CAR) for the six months ended September 30, 2018 reported operating revenue of $6.31 billion, 4% more than the $6.03 billion booked in 2017. Revenue for the quarter however declined by 3% compared to the corresponding quarter in 2017 moving from $3.25 billion in 2017 to $3.16 billion in

15 11, 2018

Special Advisory: Salada Foods Jamaica Limited (SALF)


November 15, 2018 Salada Foods Jamaica Limited (SALF) has advised that the Company has decided to purchase 25,000 boxes of cherries from coffee farmers and process same to green beans. The cost of this initiative is approximately $200 million, with $100 million to be paid directly to farmers. The balance will be used to process

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