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News Archives | Page 240 of 526 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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15 11, 2018

Special Advisory: Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)


November 15, 2018 Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) has advised that in order to enhance the Corporate Social Responsibility of the JSE and to encourage others to do so, the Company has taken the decision to launch the JSE Social Stock Exchange. The Company anticipates that in January 2019 the JSE Social Stock Exchange will be

15 11, 2018

JETCON reports 27% decline in nine months total comprehensive income


Date: November 15, 2018 Jetcon Corporation Limited (JETCON), for the nine months September 30, 2018 reported Turnover for the nine months went up by 1% to $892.28 million (2017: $886.55 million). However, turnover for the quarter amounted to $286.81 million relative to $333.22 in 2017, a 14% decline. According to management, “Revenues fell 14 percent

15 11, 2018

DCOVE reports US$2.95 million profits in Nine months


Date: November 15, 2018 Dolphin Cove Limited (DCOVE), For the nine months ended September 30, 2018 reported total revenue of US$11.62 million, an 11% decrease when compared to US$13.03 million booked the year prior. total revenue for the quarter amounted to US$3.89 million (2017: US$4.37 million). According to the company “Despite the fact that one of

15 11, 2018

RJR reports six months net loss of $133.31 million


Date: November 15, 2018 For the six months ended September 2018, Radio Jamaica Limited’s (RJR) revenues increased by 9% from $2.48 billion in 2017 to $2.71 billion. For the quarter, revenues closed at $1.36 billion (2017: $1.26 billion), representing an 8% growth. RJR indicated that, “this increase was largely due to the staging of a

15 11, 2018

KPREIT reports net profit of $10.36 million for the nine months period


Date: November 15, 2018 Kingston Properties Limited (KPREIT) for the nine months ended September 30, 2018, reported rental income of $152.35 million, 3% more than the $147.67 million reported for 2017. However, for the quarter, there was a 4% decline from $46.58 million in 2017 to $44.78 million in 2018. Property management fees for the

15 11, 2018

CPJ reports US$1.3 million loss in First Quarter


Date: November 14, 2018 Figures are quoted in United States dollars (except where it is indicated otherwise): Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited (CPJ), for the first three months ended September 30, 2018 reported that revenues marginally increased by 0.04 %, to close the period at $24.31 million compared to the $24.30 million for the same period

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