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News Archives | Page 246 of 526 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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9 11, 2018

WISYNCO reports 11% increase in first quarter total comprehensive income


Date: November 9, 2018 Wisynco Group Limited (WISYNCO) reported total revenue of $6.81 billion for the first quarter ended September 30, 2018, a 12% or $728.69 million increase when compared with the $6.08 billion reported for the same period in 2017. Cost of sales for the period amounted to $4.23 billion, up 13% relative to $3.75

9 11, 2018

GK reports 1% decline in nine months net profit


November 9, 2018   For the Nine Months ended September 30, 2018, Grace Kennedy Limited (GK) recorded revenue of $73.83 billion for period (2017: $69.30 billion), a year over year increase of 7%. Revenue for the third quarter of 2018 improved11% to $25.46 billion (2017: $22.93 million). The biggest contributor to the group’s overall revenue for

9 11, 2018

Overseas Headlines- November 9, 2018


November 9, 2018 United States:  Stocks Fall on Oil, China Concerns; Dollar Gains: Markets Wrap U.S. equity-index futures fell for a second day as crude oil’s slide into a bear market and concerns over the health of China’s economy weighed on global stocks. The dollar continued its advance after the Federal Reserve stayed on track

8 11, 2018

NCBFG reports 50% increase in year end net profit


November 8, 2018 For the year ended September 30, 2018, NCB Financial Group's (NCBFG) net interest income increased by 18%, relative to 2017, to total $35.14 billion (2017: $29.76 billion),  resulting from, “the consolidation of Clarien’s results and growth in the Jamaican loan portfolio”, Management noted. For the quarter, net interest income improved 29% to close

8 11, 2018

LASM reports 49% increase in six months net profit


Date: November 08, 2018 Lasco Manufacturing Limited (LASM) for the six months ended September 30, 2018 recorded an increase of $302.01 million or 9% in revenue to total $3.80 billion relative to the $3.50 billion recorded for the comparable period in 2017. For the second quarter, total revenue closed at $2.07 billion (2017: $1.99 billion),

8 11, 2018

Dividend Declaration: Carreras Limited (CAR)


November 08, 2018 Carreras Limited (CAR) has declared an interim dividend of $0.19 per share payable on December 13, 2018 to shareholders on record as at November 22, 2018. The ex-dividend date is November 21, 2018.

8 11, 2018

Gas Price Movement- November 08, 2018


Brent Oil Brent oil prices decreased by 1.92% or US$1.40, as prices declined this week. Oil traded on November 08, 2018 at a price of US$71.49 per barrel relative to US$72.89 last week. Brent oil began the year at US$66.57 per barrel. Petrojam prices 87 Octane prices decreased week over week, by 1.82% (JMD$2.47). Additionally,

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