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19 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG)


Date: August 19, 2019 NCB Financial Group Limited (NCBFG) has advised that a connected party sold 30,674 NCBFG shares on August 16, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution

19 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL)


Date: August 19, 2019 Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL) has advised that a connected party purchased 100,000 MIL shares on August 16, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or

19 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Eppley Limited (EPLY)


Date: August 19, 2019 Eppley Limited (EPLY) has advised that two connected parties sold a total of 1,000,000 EPLY shares on August 15, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,

19 08, 2019

KEX reports 6% increase in year-end net profit


Date: August 19, 2019 Knutsford Express Services Limited (KEX), for the year ended May 31, 2019 reported total revenue of $1.15 billion, relative to $926.15 million reported for the prior financial year. Revenue for the last quarter amounted to $304.68 million, an increase of 22% from the $249.02 million for the same period last year.

19 08, 2019

Overseas Headlines- August 19, 2019


Date: August 19, 2019 United States:  Powell Likely to Use Jackson Hole to Suggest Fed Ready to Cut  “Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will have no lack of material to choose from when he kicks off the central bank’s annual Jackson Hole symposium Friday with a speech on the challenges for monetary policy. A deglobalization

19 08, 2019

Featured Stock: GENAC


Date: August 19, 2019 Kindly click the link below to view today's featured stock. Weekly Picks 19.08.19 GENAC The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on

16 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Mayberry Jamaican Equities Limited (MJE)


Date: August 16, 2019 Mayberry Jamaican Equities Limited (MJE) has advised that a connected party purchased a total of 64,739 MJE shares during the period August 14 to 15, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby

16 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL)


Date: August 16, 2019 Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL) has advised that a two connected parties purchased a total of 1,232,946 MIL shares and that a connected party sold 8,000 MIL shares. These transactions were conducted during the period August 14 to 15, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to

16 08, 2019

DCOVE reports 15% decline in six months net profit


Date: August 16, 2019 Dolphin Cove Limited (DCOVE), for the six months ended June 30, 2019 reported total revenue of US$7.85 million, a 2% increase when compared to US$7.73 million booked the year prior. Revenue from dolphin attraction contributed US$4.36 million to total revenue, a 3% improvement when compared to the US$4.24 million reported in 2018,

16 08, 2019

GENAC reports 42% increase in six months net profits


Date: August 16, 2019  GENAC for the six months ended June 30, 2019, reported Gross premium written of $6.57 billion, 41% higher than the $4.65 billion reported for 2019. Reinsurance ceded rose 45% to close at $5.45 billion relative to $3.75 billion booked in 2018. Excess of loss reinsurance trended upwards by 26% to $67.73

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