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News and Insights Archives | Page 108 of 622 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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15 08, 2019

JETCON reports 70% decrease in six months net profit


Date: August 15, 2019 JETCON for the six months ended June 30, 2019 reported total turnover of $467.17 million, 23% less than the $606.52 million reported for the corresponding period in 2018. Cost of Sales for the period decreased 21% to $386.80 million (2018: $486.88 million), As such, Gross Profit for the period decreased by

15 08, 2019

KEY reports six months net loss of $182.59 million


Date: August 15, 2019 Key Insurance Company Limited (KEY), for the six months ended June 30, 2019 reported a 75% decrease in net premiums written from $603.02 million to $148.98 million; as a result of a 15% decrease in gross premium written which closed the period at $802.48 million (2018: $946.45 million). Reinsurance ceded for the

15 08, 2019

GWest Reports First Quarter Net Loss of $20.76 Million


Date: August 15, 2019 GWEST Corporation Limited, for the three months ended June 30, 2019, booked Total Revenue amounting to $33.14 million, an increase of 30% when compared with the $25.41 million booked last year. Management noted, “this increase was positively influenced by a 52% increase in patient fees. Rental and lease income increased by

15 08, 2019

CFF reports 21% decline in six months net profit


Date: August 15, 2019 For the period ended June 30, 2019, Caribbean Flavours & Fragrances Limited’s (CFF) revenue increased by 8% to $226.33 million relative to $209.43 million for the comparable period in 2018. For the quarter, the Company generated revenue of $113.75 million (2018: $120.71 million), a 6% decrease year over year.  CFF noted that,

15 08, 2019

LASF reports 9% decline in first quarter net profit


Date: August 15, 2019 Lasco Financial Services (LASF), recorded for the three months ended June 30, 2019, a total of $585.80 million in Trading Income; this represents a growth of 11% relative to the $526.05 million recorded in the comparable quarter in 2018.  Other Income for the quarter amounted to $68.67 million, a rise of

15 08, 2019

BRG reports 7% decline in six months net profit


Date: August 15, 2019 Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (BRG) for the six months ended June 30, 2019 reported total Revenues of $1.10 billion, a 2% decrease relative to $1.12 billion reported in for the comparable period in 2018. Total revenues for the quarter totalled $601.54 million, 2% less than the $615.27 million booked in 2018.

15 08, 2019

AFS reports 24% decrease in three months net profit


Date: August 15, 2019 Access Financial Services Limited (AFS) for the three months ended June 30, 2019 reported $407.94 million in total interest income, a 2% increase relative to the $401.66 million recorded in 2018. Of this, Interest Income from Loans amounted to $407.75 million (2018: $400.15 million), while Interest Income from Securities totalled $189,000

15 08, 2019

Overseas Headlines: August 15, 2019


Date: August 15, 2019 United States: Trump’s Re-Election Now at the Mercy of a Slowing Economy “The growing odds of a recession before the 2020 election threaten to crush President Donald Trump’s hopes of a second term. Though still uncertain, such a scenario would be a political gift to Democrats, who have avoided talking about

15 08, 2019

BPOW Plans to Launch Six Fragrances for Beauty Soap


Date: August 14, 2019 Blue Power Group Limited’s (BPOW) AGM was held today August 14, 2019 and was hosted by Dhiru Tanna, Chairman of Blue Power Group Limited who started the proceedings by the usual welcoming and introductions. Major Dawes, the Managing Director, highlighted the financial performance of the company for the last financial year

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