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13 08, 2019

Overseas Headlines: August 13, 2019


Date: August 13, 2019 United States: Recession Fears Spike to 2011 High as Risk of Bubbles Spreads “Recession fears are spreading among investors at a time when valuations across major assets are looking dangerously stretched following years of monetary stimulus, the latest Bank of America Corp. survey shows. About a third of asset managers polled

13 08, 2019

PROVEN books 36% increase in first quarter net profit attributable to shareholders


August 13, 2019   Reported in US$ (except where it is indicated otherwise) Proven Investments Limited (PROVEN) for quarter ended June 30, 2019,  reported interest income of $6.88 million, a 5% decrease when compared with the $7.21 million reported for the same period in 2018. Interest expense for the first three months amounted to $2.63

13 08, 2019

DTL reports 32% increase in six months net profit


Date: August 13, 2019 Derrimon Trading Limited (DTL) Trading Income climbed by 56%, to end the six months to total $6.29 billion compared to the $4.04 billion for the prior period. For the quarter, the company reported a 49% increase in Trading Income totalling $3.14 billion relative to $2.10 billion. The Group highlighted that, “The

13 08, 2019

MPCCEL reports six months net profit of US$63,775


Date: August 13, 2019 In United States dollars (except where it is indicated otherwise): MPC Caribbean Clean Energy Limited (MPCCEL) for the six months ended June 30, 2019, revenue was recorded at $ 149,081; nil was recorded for the corresponding period. Revenue for the quarter was reported at $ 144,582 relative to nil in 2018

13 08, 2019

U.S. CPI inches up 0.3% for July 2019


Date: August 13, 2019 "The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) recorded a 0.3 % increase in July on a seasonally adjusted basis after the 0.1% climb in June” according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report released today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 1.8% before seasonal

13 08, 2019

ELITE reports 6% increase in year end net profits


Date: August 13, 2019 Elite Diagnostic Limited (ELITE), for the year ended June 30, 2019, booked a 36% increase in revenue to total $404.39 million compared to $298.23 million for the same period in 2018. Revenue for the fourth quarter rose by 46% to $115.14 million (2018: $79.08 million). The Company highlighted that, “the increase

13 08, 2019

SML reports 418% increase in six months net profit


Date: August 13, 2019 Stanley Motta Limited (SML) for the six months ended June 30, 2019, booked a 118% increase in revenue to total $205.42 million compared to $94.18 million for the same period in 2018. For the quarter, revenue increased 105% to $108.55 million in 2019 compared to $53.03 million the previous year. SML

12 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Seprod Limited (SEP)


Date: August 12, 2019 Seprod Limited (SEP) has advised that an Officer sold a total of 8,000 SEP shares during the period June 13 to 14, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that

12 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL)


Date: August 12, 2019 Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL) has advised that a connected party purchased 1,655 MIL shares on August 9, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or

12 08, 2019

Trade in Shares: Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL)


Date: August 12, 2019 Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has advised that a Director and a Senior Officer sold a total of 178,143 SVL shares. SVL has also advised that a connected party purchased 170,000 SVL shares. These transactions were conducted during the period August 7 to 8, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has

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