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23 07, 2019

Special Advisory: Victoria Mutual Investments Limited (VMIL)


Date: July 23, 2019 Victoria Mutual Investments Limited (VMIL) has advised of the following strategic changes at the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, VM Wealth Management Limited, effective July 12 2019: The Stock Brokerage functions have moved from Manager - Research and Stock brokering. This role is held by Mrs. Nicole Adamson, who will focus

23 07, 2019

Dividend Consideration: Sterling Investments Limited (SIL)


Date: July 23, 2019 Sterling Investments Limited (SIL) has advised that at a Meeting of the Board of  Directors scheduled to be held on August 12, 2019, an interim dividend payment will be considered. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot

23 07, 2019

JSE reports 28% increase in second quarter net profits


Date: July 23, 2019 Jamaica Stock Exchange Limited (JSE), for the first six months ended June 30, 2019 recorded total revenue of $874.52 million, a 31% increase when compared to the $665.92 million booked the prior year’s corresponding period. For the second quarter the company reported a 36% increase in total revenue to close the

23 07, 2019

Key Insurance Company Limited (KEY) Turnaround Plan


July 23, 2019 Key Insurance Company Limited (KEY) has issued the following statement: THREE YEAR TURNAROUND PLAN 2019-2021 The company’s operating performance for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 was significantly influenced by an unusual severity of claims arising from newly acquired motor business. Management has been fully aware of the urgent need to

23 07, 2019

Overseas Headlines- July 23, 2019


Date: July 23, 2019 United States: Trump, Congress Clinch Debt-Limit Deal After Tense Negotiations “President Donald Trump announced a bipartisan deal to suspend the U.S. debt ceiling and boost spending levels for two years, capping weeks of frenzied negotiations that avert the risk of a damaging payments default. Congressional leaders pledged to support the bipartisan

22 07, 2019

Dividend Consideration/ Declaration: GraceKennedy Limited (GK)


Date: July 22, 2019 GraceKennedy Limited (GK) has advised that the Board of Directors will on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 consider a resolution for the declaration of an interim dividend to be paid in September 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and

22 07, 2019

Dividend Consideration/ Declaration: Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)


Date: July 22, 2019 The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) has declared an interim dividend of $0.15 per share payable on August 30, 2019 to shareholders on record as at August 9, 2019.  The ex-dividend date is August 8, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however

22 07, 2019

Special Advisory: Barita Investments Limited (BIL)


Date: July 22, 2019 Barita Investments Limited (BIL) has advised that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott (Frangipani Meeting Room), 1 park Close Kingston 5 on Friday, July 26th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of considering and if though fit passing the following Ordinary

22 07, 2019

Trades in Shares: Jamaican Teas Limited (JAMT)


Date: July 22, 2019 Jamaican Teas Limited (JAMT) has advised that a Director sold 11,937 JAMT shares during the period July 12 to 15, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure,

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