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20 05, 2019

Featured Stock: SJ


Date: May 20, 2019 Kindly click the link below to view today's featured stock. Weekly Picks 20.05.19 SJ The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on

20 05, 2019

Overseas Headlines- May 20, 2019


United States: Fed’s Kaplan Says Watching Trade War Impact on Economy, Prices Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan says trade tensions might have a chilling effect on the U.S. and global economy, and he’s also watching for the potential effects on inflation. Some end-markets may be jeopardized by the U.S.-China trade dispute, but

17 05, 2019

KEY reports first quarter net loss of $28.34 million


May 17, 2019   KEY Insurance Company Limited (KEY) for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, reported a 4% increase in net premiums written to $272.36 million from $261.60 million in 2018. There was a 5% decrease in gross premiums written from $387.66 million to $368.71 million. KEY noted this was, “consistent with our underwriting

17 05, 2019

Consumer Price Index – April 2019


Date: May 17, 2019 Consumer Price Index – April 2019 The consumer price index for the month of April 2019 recorded an inflation rate of 0.1%, following a 0.8% increase in its index for March 2019, according to The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN). The Consumer Price Index for the month of March rose to

17 05, 2019

Dividend Consideration: JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL)


May 17, 2019   JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL) has advised that at a Board of Directors’ meeting scheduled to be held on May 30, 2019, an interim dividend payment to ordinary shareholders of the Company will be considered.   Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its

17 05, 2019

Trade in Shares: preme Ventures Limited (SVL)


May 17, 2019 Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has advised that two connected parties sold 14,900 SVL shares on May 14, 2019.   Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking

17 05, 2019

Trade in Shares: Jamaica Producers Group Limited (JP)


May 17, 2019   Jamaica Producers Group Limited (JP) has advised that a Director purchased 999,873 JP shares on May 16, 2019.   Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or

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