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16 05, 2019

Trade in Shares: PanJam Investment Limited (PJAM)


May 16, 2019   PanJam Investment Limited (PJAM) has advised that 929,567 PJAM shares were issued to seven members of the Company’s management team under the PJAM Long Term Incentive Plan. These transactions were conducted on May 15, 2019.   Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however

16 05, 2019

Special Advisory: The Palace Amusement Company (1921) Limited (PAL)


May 16, 2019   The Palace Amusement Company (1921) Limited (PAL) has also advised that the Company will be expanding its operations and opening a new cinema in Portmore, St Catherine. This cinema will be located at the Sunshine Outlet Mall and will operate as Sunshine Palace. It is expected to open in June 2019.

16 05, 2019

PULSE recorded 27% increase in net profits for nine months ended


Date: May 16, 2019 PULSE for the nine months ended March 31, 2019 reported revenues of $345.32 million, a 10% increase from $313.23 million in 2018. Revenues for the quarter totaled $108.24 million, a 12% increase on the $96.45 million for the prior year. Administrative and Other Expenses increased 2%, closing the period at $143.56

16 05, 2019

Wigton Windfarms Limited: Initial Public Offering Statistics


Thursday, May 16, 2019    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Wigton Windfarms Limited: Initial Public Offering Statistics  Kingston: The Jamaica Central Securities Depository (“JCSD”) and Mayberry Investments Limited (“Mayberry”) have completed the reconciliation of all Applications in the Offer for Sale (the “Offer”) of 11,000,000,000 ordinary shares (the “Share”) in Wigton Windfarm Limited (the “Company”) pursuant

16 05, 2019

JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL) Investment in Alignvest Acquisition II Corporation


May 16, 2019   JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL) has  announced that it has  committed to investing a minimum of US$200 million in Alignvest Acquisition ll Corporation (AQY), which is a publicly-traded Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation that is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. AQY is currently set to acquire 100% of the ordinary shares of

15 05, 2019

DCOVE reports 19% decline in three months net profit


Date: May 15, 2019 Dolphin Cove (DCOVE) for the three months ended March 31, 2019 reported total revenue of US$3.89 million, a 3% increase when compared to US$3.79 million booked the year prior. Revenue from Dolphin Attraction contributed US$2.20 million to total revenue; this represents a 2% decline when compared to the US$2.24 million reported in

15 05, 2019

CFF reports 23% decline in first quarter net profit


Date: May 15, 2019 Caribbean Flavours and Fragrances (CFF) revenues increased by 27% to $112.58 million relative to $88.72 million for the comparable period in 2018. CFF stated that, “the Company’s positive growth was driven by a combination of strategies implemented both in the local and overseas market. CFF expects this trend to continue based

15 05, 2019

JAMT reports 13% increase in six months net profits attributable to shareholders


Date: May 15, 2019 Jamaican Teas Limited (JAMT) reported a 24% decline in revenues to total $692.45 million (2018: $906.02  million). For the quarter, revenues amounted to $314.22 million compared to $449.87 million in the previous corresponding period. Management stated that, “this was primarily due to increased domestic sales. Export sales improved slightly in the

15 05, 2019

BRG reports 49% decline in three months net profit


Date: May 15, 2019  Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (BRG) for the ended March 31, 2018 reported total Revenues of $498.07 million, a 2% decline relative to $506.10 million reported in for the comparable period in 2018.  The company noted this is attributable to “ an increase in fiscal management of receivables and tightening of trade

15 05, 2019

Dividend Declaration: Salada Foods Jamaica Limited (SALF)


May 15, 2019   Salada Foods Jamaica Limited (SALF) has advised that the Board of Directors, at a meeting held on May 13, 2019, considered and declared an interim dividend of $0.45 per stock unit payable on June 14, 2019 to shareholders on record as at Friday, May 31, 2019. The ex-dividend date is May

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