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13 05, 2019

FOSRICH reports 7% increase in three months net profits


Date: May 13, 2019  FosRich Company Limited (FOSRICH) for the three months ended March 31, 2019 booked a 39% increase in revenue to total $378.58 million compared to $271.85 million for the same period in 2018. The Company noted, “The growth in revenue has been the direct result of the strategies implemented by the Company

13 05, 2019

SOS reports 29% increase in first quarter net profit


Date: May 13, 2019 Stationery and Office Supplies Limited (SOS) for the three months period reported revenues of $343.47 million relative to $279.18 million in 2018, a 23% increase. The Company’s cost of sales totaled $175.04 million, up 24% relative to the $140.90 million reported in 2018. As a result, gross profit grew by 22%

13 05, 2019

Net International Reserves- April 2019


Date: May 13, 2019 Net International Reserves- April 2019 Jamaica’s Net International Reserves (NIR) totaled US$3,019.08 million as at April2019, reflecting a decline of US$65.74 million relative to the US$3,084.83 million reported as at the end of March 2019 (see figure 1). Changes in the NIR resulted from a decrease in Foreign Assets of US$68.98 million

13 05, 2019

SALF reports 33% decline in six months net profit


Date: May 13, 2019 Salada Foods, recorded a 3% increase in turnover for the six months to close at $494.50 million (2018: $482.27 million). For the second quarter, revenue amounted to $322.17 million (2018: $254.51 million), a 27% rise. SALF highlighted that the, “improved performance was attributed to stronger sales in export markets, particularly Barbados

13 05, 2019

tTech reports 89% decline first quarter net profit.


May 13, 2019 tTech Limited (tTech), fr the three months ended March 31, 2019, booked a 5% decrease in revenues to $66.47 million compared to $69.82 million recorded for the prior financial year’s first quarter. According to management, “With all things considered, we are buoyed by the fact that our recurring revenues continue to trend

13 05, 2019

JP reports 52% growth in first quarter profits attributable to shareholders


Date: May 13, 2019 Jamaica Producers Group Limited (JP), for the three months ended March 31, 2019, booked a 7% increase in revenue to total $4.79 billion compared to the $4.48 billion reported in 2018. The Food and Drink Division reported a 4% increase in revenue to total $2.75 billion relative to $2.64 billion reported

13 05, 2019

Overseas Headlines- May 13, 2019


United States:  Trump Warns China Impasse to Worsen If Xi Retaliates on Tariffs President Donald Trump threatened that the trade standoff with China will “get worse” if there is retaliation for U.S. tariffs that go into effect on Chinese goods Monday. “I say openly to President Xi & all of my many friends in China

13 05, 2019

Featured Stock: ECL


Date: May 13, 2019 Kindly click the link below to view today's featured stock. Weekly Picks 13.05.19 ECL The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on

10 05, 2019

The partnership between Mayberry and St George’s College (St GC) continues to grow.


May 10, 2019   Click below to view press release by Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL). The partnership between Mayberry and St George   The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking

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