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8 04, 2019

Featured Stock: GENAC


Date: April 08, 2019 Kindly click the link below to view today's featured stock. Weekly Picks 08.04.19 GENAC The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on

8 04, 2019

Net International Reserves- March 2019


Date: April 8, 2019  Net International Reserves- March 2019 Jamaica’s Net International Reserves (NIR) totaled US$3,084.83 million as at March 2019, reflecting an increase of US$77.34 million relative to the US$3,007.49 million reported as at the end of February 2019 (see figure 1). Changes in the NIR resulted from an increase in Foreign Assets of US$68.34

8 04, 2019

Overseas Headlines- April 8, 2019


Date: April 8, 2019 United States: ‘Moment of Truth’ Arrives for U.S. Stocks After Fed-Fueled Rally It’s “gut check” time for U.S. equity investors as the pivot from a Fed-fueled rally back to the foggy fundamentals looms, according to Morgan Stanley. “The moment of truth may be arriving with first-quarter earnings results,’’ Michael Wilson, the

5 04, 2019

Daily Market Summary – April 05, 2019


Daily Market Summary 05.04.19 Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about those issuer (s) or securities as at the date of this report. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of their compensation was, is, or will be, directly

5 04, 2019

MJE Shareholdings


April 05, 2018 Please see the table below with regards to Mayberry Jamaica Equities Limited's (MJE) shareholdings below:

5 04, 2019

Overseas Headlines- April 05, 2019


United States: U.S. Payrolls Top Estimates With 196,000 Rise as Wages Cool U.S. hiring rebounded more than forecast in March and the prior month was stronger than first reported, potentially relieving some concerns about a cooling economy. Wage gains eased and the unemployment rate held near a 49-year low. Payrolls rose 196,000 after a 33,000

4 04, 2019

Daily Market Summary – April 04, 2019


Daily Market Summary 04.04.19 Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about those issuer (s) or securities as at the date of this report. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of their compensation was, is, or will be, directly

4 04, 2019

Appointments: JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL)


JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL) has advised of the following appointments effective April 1, 2019: Julian Mair as Group Chief Capital Markets Officer Damion Brown as Group Chief Investments Officer; and Dereck Rajack as Group Chief Risk Officer

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