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News and Insights Archives | Page 203 of 625 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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15 02, 2019

    KEY reports $162.66 million in year end losses


    KEY Insurance Company Limited (KEY), for the year ended December 31, 2018 reported a 27% increase in net premiums written to $1.18 billion from $930.30 million in 2017. For the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2018, Key Insurance Company Limited (KEY), reported a 20% decrease in net premiums written to $236.07 million from $293.58 million. This

    15 02, 2019

      CAR reports 2% increase in nine months net profits


      Carreras Limited (CAR), for the nine months ended December 30, 2018 reported Operating Revenue of $9.86 billion, 3% more than the $9.53 billion booked in 2017. Revenue for the quarter increased by 2% compared to the corresponding quarter moving to $3.55 billion in 2018 from $3.47 billion in 2017. Cost of Operating Revenue also increased year

      15 02, 2019

        HONBUN reports 39% increase in three months net profit


        Date: February 14, 2019 Honey Bun (1982) Limited (HONBUN) for the three months ended December 31, 2018 booked a 14% increase in revenue to $369.01 million, up from $322.83 million. The Company’s cost of sales increased by 9% to $194.15 million (2017: $178.87 million) which consequently led to a 21% increase in gross profit to close

        15 02, 2019

          PAL reports loss of $4.55 million for six months ended


          Date: February 14, 2019 Palace Amusement Company (PAL) reported six months total revenues of $520.09 million, a 5% increase when compared with the $492.99 million recorded for corresponding period in 2017. Total revenue for the quarter increased 8% to total $250.71 million relative to the $233.03 million recorded for same period in 2017. Direct Expenses

          14 02, 2019

            HONBUN reports 39% increase in three months net profit


            Date: February 14, 2019 Honey Bun (1982) Limited (HONBUN), booked a 14% increase in revenue to $369.01 million, up from $322.83 million. The Company’s cost of sales increased by 9% to $194.15 million (2017: $178.87 million) which consequently led to a 21% increase in gross profit to close at $174.87 million (2017: $143.96 million). HONBUN

            14 02, 2019

              Sygnus reports 34% increase in six months net profit


              Date: February 14, 2019 Sygnus Credit Investments Limited reported Interest Income of US$ 1.46 million 196% increase on the US$493,068 recorded in 2017. For the quarter, Interest Income rose 167% to US$856,155 (2017: US$320,736). Management noted, “The performance was driven by higher interest income from a larger portfolio of private credit investments.” The Company also

              14 02, 2019

                ELITE reports 43% decline in six months net profit


                Date: February 14, 2019 Elite Diagnostic Limited booked a 29% increase in revenue to total $182.24 million compared to $141.67 million for the same period in 2017. Revenue for the 2nd quarter rose by 35% to $96.76 million (2017: 71.85 million). Management noted, “The increase in revenue for the 2nd quarter is due to MRI scans and increase

                14 02, 2019

                  MDS reports a 14% decline in nine months net profit


                  Date: February 14, 2019 Revenue amounted to $1.58 billion, an increase of 6%, relative to $1.49 billion booked the previous year. For the third quarter, revenues totalled $538.67 million up 3% year over year (2017: $521.09 million). MDS indicated that, “the revenue reflects a positive change in the sales mix with the introduction of additional

                  14 02, 2019

                    Daily Market Summary February 14, 2019


                    Daily Market Summary 14.02.19 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Mayberry may

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