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News and Insights Archives | Page 254 of 625 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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15 11, 2018

JAMT Reports $193.27 million in year end profits attributable to shareholders


Date: November 14, 2018 Jamaican Teas Limited (JAMT) reported a 14% increase in revenues to total $1.77 billion (2017: $1.55 billion). For the quarter, revenues amounted to $422.17 million (2017: $357.64 million). JAMT highlighted that, “the Company’s focus on driving revenues in our core business resulted in fourth quarter revenues from our manufacturing operations growing

15 11, 2018

SOS reports 55% increase in nine months net profit


Date: November 14, 2018 Stationery and Office Supplies Limited (SOS) for the nine months period reported revenues of $801.44 million relative to $664.87 million in 2017, a 21% increase. For the third quarter, revenues grew by the same 21% but closed the quarter at $281.51 million (2017: $233.09 million). The Company’s cost of sales totaled

15 11, 2018

GWEST reports six month net loss of $78.52 million


Date: November 14, 2018 GWEST Corporation Limited (GWEST), For the six months ended September 2018 Revenue amounted to $57.21 million, an increase of 43%, when compared with the $39.88 million booked last year. According to the company, “Our revenue growth has been significantly affected by our inability to accept health insurance due to the delay

15 11, 2018

PJAM reports 26% increase in nine months net profit attributable to shareholders


Date: November 15, 2018 PJAM Investment Limited (PJAM), for nine months ended September 30, 2018, reported a 68% increase in total income to $2.67 billion from the $1.59 billion booked for the prior year’s corresponding period. For the quarter total income increased 143% to $1.56 billion (2017: $643.48 million).  Of total income:Other income slid 8% from

15 11, 2018

Sygnus reports net loss of US$358,361 for first quarter


Date: November 14, 2018 Sygnus Credit Investments Limited for three months ended September 30, 2018, reported Interest Income of US$605,729, 251% increase on the US$172,330 recorded in 2017. Management noted, “Total investment income represents the core revenues of SCI and was primarily driven by interest income from investments (97% of the total). Net investment income,

15 11, 2018

JMMBGL reports 22% increase in net profit attributable to the shareholders


Date: November 14, 2018 JMMB Group Limited - (JMMBGL) booked net interest income of $4.35 billion compared to $3.76 billion in 2017, an increase of 16%. Of this, interest income grew by 11% to close at $8.67 billion, from the $7.83 billion booked in 2017, while interest expenses increased by 6% to total 4.32 billion

15 11, 2018

SJ reports 4% decline in nine months total revenues


Date: November 14, 2018 Sagicor Group Jamaica (SJ), for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 reported a 3% decrease total revenues to $51.48 billion from $53.14 billion in 2017, while for the third quarter total revenues were down 16% to total $19.46 billion compared to $23.13 billion in 2017. Total revenue for the nine months was

15 11, 2018

PAL reports 6% increase in three months net profits attributable to Stockholders


Date: November 14, 2018 The Palace Amusement Company (1921) Limited (PAL) booked a 4% improvement in revenue to $269.38 million (2017: $259.96 million), while direct expenses increased by 5% to $215.79 million (2017: $204.66 million). As a result, Gross Profit declined by 3% to $53.59 million (2017: $55.30 million) Other operating income surged to $6.90

14 11, 2018

ISP reports 2% increase in total interest income


Date: November 14, 2018 ISP Finance Services Limited (ISP), for the Nine Months ended September 30, 2018, total interest income amounted to $213.76 million compared to $210.70 million in 2017, an increase of 1%. For the quarter, total interest income amounted to $69.63 million (2017: $74.91 million). The nine months is broken down as follows: Interest income

14 11, 2018

BRG reports 70% decline in nine months net profit


Date: November 14, 2018 Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (BRG) for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 reported total revenues of $1.73 billion, a 13% increase relative to $1.52 billion reported for the comparable period in 2017. Total revenues for the quarter totalled $607.83 million, 2% less than the $620.98 million booked in 2017. The

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