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News and Insights Archives | Page 261 of 626 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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8 11, 2018

Dividend Declaration: Carreras Limited (CAR)


November 08, 2018 Carreras Limited (CAR) has declared an interim dividend of $0.19 per share payable on December 13, 2018 to shareholders on record as at November 22, 2018. The ex-dividend date is November 21, 2018.

8 11, 2018

Gas Price Movement- November 08, 2018


Brent Oil Brent oil prices decreased by 1.92% or US$1.40, as prices declined this week. Oil traded on November 08, 2018 at a price of US$71.49 per barrel relative to US$72.89 last week. Brent oil began the year at US$66.57 per barrel. Petrojam prices 87 Octane prices decreased week over week, by 1.82% (JMD$2.47). Additionally,

8 11, 2018

Net International Reserves- October 2018


November 08, 2018   Jamaica’s Net International Reserves (NIR) totaled US$2,925.33 million as at October 2018, reflecting a decrease of US$101.39 million relative to the US$3,026.72 million reported as at the end of September 2018 (see figure 1). Changes in the NIR resulted from an increase in Foreign Assets of US$108.79 million to total US$3,460.06 million

7 11, 2018

BIL reports an 84% increase in year end net profit


November 07, 2018 For the year ended September 30, 2018, Barita Invested Limited’s (BIL) interest income declined 10% to $1.02 billion relative to $1.13 billion for the previous year. Interest expense also declined by 29% to close at $599.66 million compared to $847.44 million in 2017. As a result, net interest income for the year increased

7 11, 2018

Daily Market Summary November 07, 2018


Daily Market Summary 07.11.18 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any Action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Mayberry may

7 11, 2018

LASD reports 14% growth in net profit for the six months period


Date: November 07, 2018 Lasco Distributors Limited (LASD), for the six months ended September 30, 2018, posted 5% growth revenues to $8.78 billion, up from $8.35 billion in the corresponding period in 2017. For the quarter, revenues increased by 7% closing at $4.50 billion (2017: $4.22 billion). Cost of sales amounted to $7.01 billion, up

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