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23 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (SJ)


September 23, 2019 Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (SJ) has advised that a connected party and a Senior Officer sold a total of 54,243 SJ shares on September 19, 2019. SJ has also advised that two Executives purchased a total of 314,434 SJ shares held under the SJ Long-Term Incentive Plan. Company Disclosure -The information contained

23 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Kingston Wharves Limited (KW)


September 23, 2019 Kingston Wharves Limited (KW) has advised that a connected party sold 212,628 KW shares on September 19, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any

23 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Mayberry Jamaican Equities Limited (MJE)


September 23, 2019 Mayberry Jamaican Equities Limited (MJE) has advised that a connected party purchased 32,515 MJE shares on September 18, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or

23 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL)


September 23, 2019 Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL) has advised that a connected party purchased 120,000 MIL shares on September 18, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking

23 09, 2019

LASF to improve efficiency through technology


September 23, 2019 “The future looks really excellent” stated by the Chairman, Lascelles Chin as he commented on a challenging year. The Chairman also noted that, we have now been able to implement all the necessary procedures and we are ready for rolling,” after acquiring Credit Scotia last year. Mrs. Jacinth Hall-Tracey, the managing director

23 09, 2019

USA Monthly Economic Review- August 2019


Please see attached USA Monthly Economic Review. USA Economic Review -August 2019 Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about those issuer (s) or securities as at the date of this report. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of

23 09, 2019

Featured Stock: SALF


Date: September 23, 2019 Kindly click the link below to view today's featured stock. Weekly Picks 23.09.19 SALF The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on

23 09, 2019

Overseas Headlines- September 23, 2019


Date: September 23, 2019 United States: U.S. Trade Partners Get No Help From Strong Dollar, BIS Says “The dollar’s strength may be part of reason why the global Purchasing Managers Index, a crucial gauge of sentiment and growth, is languishing near a record low, if research from the Bank for International Settlements is anything to

20 09, 2019

Special Advisory: JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL)


September 20, 2019 JMMB Group Limited (JMMBGL) has advised that at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on September 18, 2019, the shareholders present and voting unanimously, approved the resolution for the issuance of an additional 325,000,000 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company, set out as Resolution 6 in the

20 09, 2019

Monthly Economic Review- August 2019


Date: September 20, 2019 Please see attached Monthly Economic Review. Monthly Economic Review - August 2019 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on the contents

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