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17 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Seprod Limited (SEP)


Date: September 17, 2019 Seprod Limited (SEP) has advised that a Director sold 94,467 SEP shares during the period September 3 to 5, 2019. Analyst Certification -The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of Mayberry Investments Limited Research Department about those issuer (s) or securities as at the date of

17 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Express Catering Limited (ECL)


Date: September 17, 2019 Express Catering Limited (ECL) has advised that a Director sold 3,812,995 ECL shares during the period August 21, 2019 to September 13, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. You are hereby notified that

17 09, 2019

Special Advisory: General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited (GENAC)


Date: September 17, 2019 General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited (GENAC) has announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Motor One Insurance Company Limited (“Motor One”), a Trinidadian motor insurance company headquartered in Port of Spain with a large branch network throughout Trinidad. GENAC has also advised that under the terms of the agreement,

17 09, 2019

Dividend Consideration: Fontana Limited (FTNA)


Date: September 17, 2019 Fontana Limited (FTNA) has advised that the payment of a dividend will be considered at a Board of Directors’ meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Company Disclosure -The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, however its accuracy and completeness cannot be

17 09, 2019

 Consumer Price Index – August 2019


Date: September 17, 2019  Consumer Price Index – August 2019 The consumer price index for the month of August 2019 increased by 0.8%, following a 1.1% increase in its index for July 2019, according to The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN). The Consumer Price Index for the month of August rose to 263.1 relative to

17 09, 2019

Overseas Headlines- September 17, 2019


Date: September 17, 2019 United States: Overnight Funding Rate Surges to Record Levels Above 8% “U.S. money-market interest rates surged for a second day Tuesday as cash reserves in the banking system remained out of balance with the volume of securities on dealer balance sheets. Amid the squeeze, the effective fed funds rate rose to

16 09, 2019

Special Advisory: Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE)


Date: September 16, 2019 Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) The Board of Directors, Management and staff of the JSE are deeply saddened by the passing of Mr. L. Garth Kiddoe, who transitioned on September 6, 2019. Mr. Kiddoe, who was a member of the Board of Directors of the JSE, Chairman of the Jamaica Central Securities

16 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Jetcon Corporation Limited (JETCON)


Date: September 16, 2019 Jetcon Corporation Limited (JETCON) has advised that a connected party purchased 75,062 JETCON shares on September 10, 2019 Analyst Certification -This research report is for information purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of their compensation was, is, or will

16 09, 2019

Trade in Shares: Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL)


Date: September 16, 2019 Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has advised that a connected party sold 44,888 SVL shares on September 11, 2019. Analyst Certification -This research report is for information purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of their compensation was, is, or will

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