Economic Statistics
Net International Reserves – May 2017
Net International Reserves Jamaica’s Net International Reserves totaled US$2,672.77 million as at May 2017, reflecting a decrease of US$176.10 million relative to the US$2,848.87 million reported as at the end of April 2017 (see figure
Monthly Economic Review- April 2017
Monthly Economic Review - April 2017 Disclaimer: Analyst Certification -This research report is for information purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation. Each research analyst (s) also certify that no part of
Consumer Price Index- April 2017
The inflation rate for the month April 2017 was 0.3%, following and upward movement of 0.4% in March 2017. The movement was credited to a 1.7% increase in the division ‘Transport’ and ‘Food and Non-Alcoholic
Board Appointments:
Scotia Investments Jamaica Ltd. (SIJL) has advised that Mr. Peter Slan has been appointed as a Director of Scotia Investments Jamaica Limited effective May 1, 2017.
Dividend Declaration:
Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) JPS has declared quarterly dividends payable on June 30, 2017 to shareholders on record as at June 15, 2017 on the undermentioned classes of Preference Shares: (a) 7% Cumulative
Net International Reserves
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Unemployment Rate
Monthly Inflation Rate
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Central Government Operations
J$ Millions | Provisional –Apr-Dec 2019 | Budget – Apr-Dec 2019 |
Revenue & Grants | 519,008.10 | 516,842.80 |
Fiscal Balance (Surplus +/ Deficit -) | 12,267.00 | 4,880.80 |
Primary Balance (Surplus +/ Deficit -) | 117,918.60 | 112,654.40 |