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Economic Highlights | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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Economic Highlights 2021-10-12T11:08:45-05:00

Economic Statistics​

2507, 2018

    Overseas Headlines- July 25, 2018

    Date: July 25, 2018 United States: Trump Wants the Fed to Roll Back the U.S. Economy Doves on the Federal Reserve evidently have a vocal ally in President Donald Trump. He said recently that he's "not

    2407, 2018

      Overseas Headlines – July 24, 2018

      Date: July 24, 2018 United States: The U.S. Economy Deserves a Lot More Credit The U.S. economy is rolling along with far better prospects for solid growth than is widely realized, despite the many distractions that

      2307, 2018

        Overseas Headlines- July 23, 2018

        Date: July 23, 2018  United States: U.S. 4% GDP Growth Seen More ‘Luck of the Draw’ Than New Reality The U.S. economy may have hit 4 percent growth in the second quarter, the fastest since

        Net International Reserves

        Notice: Undefined variable: col1 in /opt/nginx/www/mayberryinv/wp-content/plugins/saturn-chart/public/class-saturn-chart-public.php on line 262
        Unemployment Rate

        Monthly Inflation Rate

        Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

        Central Government Operations

        J$ Millions Provisional –Apr-Dec 2019 Budget – Apr-Dec 2019
        Revenue & Grants 519,008.10 516,842.80
        Fiscal Balance (Surplus +/ Deficit -) 12,267.00 4,880.80
        Primary Balance (Surplus +/ Deficit -) 117,918.60 112,654.40