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Overseas Headlines-December 30, 2019 | Mayberry Investments Limited connection error:
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Overseas Headlines-December 30, 2019

December 30, 2019

United States:

Trump Impeachment Trial Tests Incumbents Key to Senate Control”

“The Senate’s historic impeachment trial of President Donald Trump will be especially momentous for a small group of vulnerable incumbent senators whose 2020 re-election bids are central to determining control of the chamber. Trump is all but certain to be acquitted on two articles of impeachment since the Constitution requires 67 votes to convict. But for just over half a dozen senators locked in the closest races, and a few others whose contests could tip competitive, their votes on whether to remove him from office will trigger inevitable political fallout.”



Euro’s Year-End Rally Sees Cross Currency Swaps Climb to Record

“The battered euro is finishing the year strongly and setting up the case for better performance next year. The common currency rose to its strongest level versus the dollar since August on Monday and cross-currency basis swaps — a measure of demand for funding purposes — climbed to the highest on record, Bloomberg Generic Prices show. While both moves mirrored a strong end to 2018, this time around options traders have also turned positive for coming months, in contrast to a weaker outlook a year ago.”


United States:

Trump Impeachment Trial Tests Incumbents Key to Senate Control”

“The Senate’s historic impeachment trial of President Donald Trump will be especially momentous for a small group of vulnerable incumbent senators whose 2020 re-election bids are central to determining control of the chamber. Trump is all but certain to be acquitted on two articles of impeachment since the Constitution requires 67 votes to convict. But for just over half a dozen senators locked in the closest races, and a few others whose contests could tip competitive, their votes on whether to remove him from office will trigger inevitable political fallout.”

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